
The DotNet Editor is an application to edit and compile simple .Net executables or class libraries without installing Visual Studio or something like Sharp Develop.


The program is nice to use when you don't have Visual Studio or Sharp Develop installed and you want to create some custom .Net functionality which is callable as an executable or used by an application that can call .Net DLL functions/methods and/or also instantiate the DLL as a COM object from older scripting engines such as VBScript, VBA or VB5/VB6.


Download Link


Installation and Usage
Download and run the installer to install the .Net Editor from the above link.


The editor requires .Net 2.0, 3.5 and 4.5.2.


After installation, run the program from the DotNet Editor shortcut or run if by locating and running the following exe via Start/Run:
C:\Program Files (x86)\rs\DotNetEditor\DotNetEditor.exe



Using the Editor to Edit, Compile and Test Code






Toolbar Icons

dotneteditor003New script

dotneteditor004Open script

dotneteditor005Close script

dotneteditor006Save script


dotneteditor007Compile script to Exe (F8)


dotneteditor008Compile script to Dll (F9)


dotneteditor009Compile script to Exe and Run the program (F5)


dotneteditor010Compile script to Exe and Run the program with parameter prompts (Shift-F5)



File Menu



Create a new script. Save with a .CS or .VB extension if using CSharp or VB for your executable or DLL class library.



Open an existing CS or VB script.



Close current script.



Save current script.



Edit application configuration file. After saving settings, restart application for new settings to take effect.



Exit program



Compile Menu


Build Exe (F8 key)

This option creates a .Net console application executable.


Build Class Library Dll (F9 key)

This option creates a .Net DLL assembly



Run Menu


Run (F5 key)

Compile and run current script as a console application executable with no parameters. Only use this option to test EXE files that are console applications and do not require parameter entry.


Run with Parms (Shift-F5 key)

Compile and run current script as a console application executable and also prompt for command line parameters. Only use this option to test EXE files that are console applications that require parameter entry.



Application Creation Concepts


See the code sample files in the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\rs\DotNetEditor\code


For each program script file there should also be an ScriptFilePrefix-AssemblyInfo.vb or ScriptFilePrefix-AssemblyInfo.cs file created to hold versioning information.



Examples from the code directory


Executable Assemblies


Hello1AppVb.vb should have a version file named: Hello1App-AssemblyInfo.vb created in the same directory if you want version info created with your assemblies.


Hello1AppCs.cs should have a version file named: Hello1AppCs-AssemblyInfo.cs created in the same directory if you want version info created with your assemblies.


Class LIbrary Dll Assemblies


Hello1ClassLibraryVb.vb should have a version file named: Hello1ClassLibraryVb-AssemblyInfo.vb created in the same directory if you want version info created with your assemblies.


Hello1ClassLibraryCs.cs should have a version file named: Hello1ClassLibraryCs-AssemblyInfo.cs created in the same directory if you want version info created with your assemblies.



Settings in the Application Settings File


AppTitle - Application title


OutputFileType - UTF8 or ASCII


VBCompiler - VB compiler command line


CSCompiler - CS compiler command line


VBCompilerParmsExe - VB compiler parameters when generating an executable


CSCompilerParmsExe - CS compiler parameters when generating an executable


VBCompilerParmsDll - VB compiler parameters when generating a .Net DLL assembly


CSCompilerParmsDll - CS compiler parameters when generating  a .Net DLL assembly


DotNetFrameWork - .Net framework directory


RegAsmParms - Parms used register DLL as a COM object after creation


DefaultCodeDir - Default code directory location when opening scripts